Dr Ramesh Chaube had received appreciation and request for reprints on his research work "
Study of Palmar Flexion Creases-Inheritance and Correlation with Schizophrenic Patients" from all over the world.
St. Luke's Memorial hospital - Utica N.Y. Mr. Dawel Stouwens (MD) dated : 3/4/1977
DVR Poosha (Research Asstt.) - AP-India dated : 22/7/1978
P. Philippe (Ph.D) - Univ. of Montreal-Canada 22/7/1978
Abraham-m Lilienfeld (MD) - Baltimore Maryland US 11 July 1978
K.C. Malhotra -Indian Statistical Institute Calcutta -Aug 1978
Institute of Human Genetics Pro. Dr J Svejocar - Aug 1978 Frankfurt Germany
Dr.M.C. Malik - Hospital Edouard Herriot (Lyon France) 8/8/78
Willam S Pollitzer - (Managing Editor) - American Journal of Physical Anthropology – North Carolina- US 13/10/1976
Pavo Rudann- Inti za medicinska Istrazivanja medicina - Instmed Zagreb Prof Hubert maver 1 Feb 1978
Chairman- Pro. Hubert Marver Inst. For Medical Research & occupational Health – Zagreb 13/7/1972.
Prof. H. Dovernoy - University of Besancon - France 1971
Paul E. Polani MD, FRCP FRS. University of London England 27/11 178
Dr MR. Rivere - Faculty of Medicine France 18/1/1979
Dr. Z. Smahel - Laboratory of Plastic Surgery ,Czechoslovakia 1971
Arie H. Bartal MD-Ramban Medical Center Haifa Israel 16/7/78
3Dr Jose Sunabria Nagrini – Centro Nacional de investigaciones cientificas-26/12/1978 862)
G.P. Naidu. Department of Anthropology SVU College Tirupati 21/11/78
Vazken m Der Kaloustian MD- Department of Pediatrics, Beirut Lebanon 2618/78
Dr. T Soriano Research Laboratories- Minneapolis USA 1978 20.Pro.JF Pascual Inst Emetology Cuba 5/7/78
Zavel-Indiana Univ- Dep of Ophthalmology Indianapolis USA 4/9/78.
Inst of Biology - Czechoslovakia 4/10/27
R Sambasivarao – Department of Anthropology (AP-India). 24/12/77
Shakutla - Department of Anthropology University of Delhi India Apr 1978
Anthony J La Greea - Ph.D D Univ. of Florida Feb 1977
S karge AG Basel Schweiz 23/4/74
Dr. Med. W.Rosenkranz - Pro. - Intt. for Medicine Biology ,Graz Austria 5/10/77
Prof Jurgens -Neve University - - W. Germany 10/6/78
Pro. Agr. C. Stoll - Inst of Puériculture - 29/10/17,Strasbourg Cedex france
Faustino R. Saurez MD. Dep of Anatomy - 15/8/77, Georgetown University Washington
DOZ Dr. Sc. Med. BB Worttwer. Germany 1/11/1977
Barbara F. Schuh Cytogenetics - Long Branch N.J.USA Aug 1977
Y. Komatz. Department of Urology - Kyoto Univ. Hospital Sakyo-ku-kyoto Japan Aug 1977
Sergiu Micle -Tel Aviv University - 20/11/1977
BRK Shukla - Department of Anthropology Lucknow sep, 19,1980
Dr. CS Muir - Division of cancer TARC - Lyon 31/0/80
+Anita Sujoldzic - General Secretary - Yugoslavia zagreb 31/1/1980
Dr.Myron M. Sokal-Dept of Pediatrics. (MD) Newyork USA - 10/11/80
Bihmlele-Lucknow-India (DOA) - 7/5-/1976.
Dr L Toudic - Hospital Marvan- France 20/11/79
Miss B. Karmakar - India statistical Inst. Calcutta - 5/1/80 40.Mary V. Rothlauf - Clinical investigation – Dever 3july 1978
Santi R. Dhar - MD. Concy Island hospital, Brooklyn New York Jan 29, 1971
Paul Merlob - Beilinson hospital - Petah Tikva Israel 1978
MD francisco Tejada - Cancer Center, Univ of Miami Florida 1977.
Dr.V Rami Reddy-Shrivenkateswara Univ of Tirpuati- AP India. 1/3178
Prof H Mathan (Chairman) Medical School, Aviv Israel July 19710
MD. Phil J white - Medical Division , Orange Texas Feb16/1979
Dr. Henry field - Miami-Florida April 28/1974
Miss Susan mathew Department of Human Gentics-AP India – 15/11 /1977
Prof. Paolo Parisi- 'Acta Gengetic medical of gemellologiae. Rome italy ,3 sep 76
Jeannette C mason - MD Philadelphia USA 1/7/77
Mazcla Russell - Ph.D - Buffalo New York 16/9/77
Mrs M Bruce Univ of Aberdeen Scotland - July 27
Dr Milos Jenicek - Montreal - Canada July 1977
Edgar R. Schewe- Philadelphia Jan / 1977
Mu.Dr.RN ,Dr Andrej Gencik -Czechoslovakia 1978
Dr Mk Bhasin PhD - New Delhi Indra 1977
Dr. Tygi - Anthropoligist - Dehradun 1977
Dr S. Singh - New Southwales. Australia – 1977 ,Kanematsu Memendal Institute
Udrajave Suit -Dept of Bilogy Univ. Nacional - Colombia. 25/4/79
Dr Richard C Jubery - Medical Genetic - Dayton Ohio USA. 28/8/79
MD. Klaus D. Zang ,30/11/1978 Dept of Human Genetic -Unvi of Saarland - Homburg - Germany
Dr M Staukalova - Carles Univ. Dept of Biology Gechoslovakia - Aug 1978
A Giralado MAD - Laboroty Nacional of salud Colombia SA 3/4/1977
Dr. M. sethurman (PhD. MSc) - V.HS medical Centre Madras - India - 7/3/1981
Ernest B Hook MD- NY State Dept. of health Birth Defects That - New York 7/9/78
Dr JH Pleeging - Lab Anat. Emryol Netherlands 8/7/78
ms Chinnappa SL - Inst for reserach in reproduction Bombay India 21/7/78
K. Robinson - University of Matal, Natal, Africa 1/8/78
Dr K Hoshino - Kyoto University, Kyoto Japan 16/9/78
Prof Dr Der Bernet – Neubrandenburg Sehrgeehrter Nerr kollege.8 Aug 78
Dr.VP kolodcheuvo-Inst of Gerontology Kiev USSR 20/7 /78
Dr Cuiouczek Dep of invetigation Hospital de Gineco obstetrica - Mexico 25/10/77
Willam S. Pollitzer, MD. Univ of North"Carolina - Sep 4 1974
Y komatz - Dep of Urology - kyto Japan July 1978
Doz. Dr. hobid R. Oeser - Neven Palais Aug 78
Dept.of Budapest Puskin 26/9/1971
Paulo E Polani (MD FRCP FRS) Guy's hospital medical London & England
Dr Jose M Garcia - Castro - Puerto Rico 16/8/78
Pro. Dr. Trube-Becker - Inst for genetic medicion of University - Dusseldorf – Germany 23/9/1871
AB Das Chaudhuri. Sr. Research fellow Dep of Anthropology Calcutta Univ 29/3/1972
Prof Dr HW. Jurgens - Anthropology. Inst University kiel 25/9/1970
mathew Teeib -kwait 24/1/79
Pro. J.F Pascual - Cuba